
    Print information about the magic function system.

Think of %magic as the user’s guide to magic commands. It steps through all of the commands listed in %lsmagic with extensive examples and all available parameters.

It supports three optional display parameters: -latex, -brief, and -rest. Here’s an example of the results for the first entry, aimport:

    %aimport => Import modules for automatic reloading.

    List modules to automatically import and not to import.

    %aimport foo
    Import module 'foo' and mark it to be autoreloaded for %autoreload 1

    %aimport foo, bar
    Import modules 'foo', 'bar' and mark them to be autoreloaded for %autoreload 1

    %aimport -foo
    Mark module 'foo' to not be autoreloaded for %autoreload 1
%magic -latex
\texttt{\textbf{ \%aimport}}:
    \texttt{\%aimport} => Import modules for automatic reloading.

    List modules to automatically import and not to import.

    \texttt{\%aimport} foo
    Import module 'foo' and mark it to be autoreloaded for \texttt{\%autoreload} 1

    \texttt{\%aimport} foo, bar
    Import modules 'foo', 'bar' and mark them to be autoreloaded for \texttt{\%autoreload} 1

    \texttt{\%aimport} -foo
    Mark module 'foo' to not be autoreloaded for \texttt{\%autoreload} 1
%magic -brief
    %aimport => Import modules for automatic reloading.
magic -rest

    %aimport => Import modules for automatic reloading.

    List modules to automatically import and not to import.

    %aimport foo
    Import module 'foo' and mark it to be autoreloaded for %autoreload 1

    %aimport foo, bar
    Import modules 'foo', 'bar' and mark them to be autoreloaded for %autoreload 1

    %aimport -foo
    Mark module 'foo' to not be autoreloaded for %autoreload 1