How to read this book

This book was generated using a Rust program called mdBook that has several goodies baked in. It handles the layout and responsive design so my focus can lie on the content of this book instead of the architecture of the site. I also use footnotes from time to time. 1

As far as the features go, you can:

…toggle the chapter menu by clicking on the hamburger menu:

…change the theme by selecting the paintbrush icon:

…search the book using the magnifying glass:

…turn pages by clicking the left and right angles:

You can also navigate by using your keyboard’s left and right arrows.

On the top right of the page, you can either print this book in its entirety or visit its Github repository, where the source code lives.

A warning symbol will appear by a section that has potentially tricky parts that require close attention:

Don’t run on wet tiled surfaces.

For code snippets, you can copy the input by clicking on the copy symbol:

ipython --version

Output from shell commands is represented in a color-inverted block:


1. Like this one.